i SEA u SurfToken™ Necklace in Pewter
i SEA u SurfToken™ Necklace in Pewter
From The i SEA u Movement™:
"We believe in the power of LOVE and it's ability to change lives and, in fact, to change the world.
Truly SEAing the unique beauty, love & light in others is an awesome thing.
When we share with them what we see, a very powerful, loving & sacred moment is created - the memory of which will last a lifetime.
Feeling truly SEAn and loved - even with all our flaws - empowers us to shine even brighter as we continue to learn, evolve & grow... and, in turn, to honestly share ourselves with others, SEA them, share what we SEA... and then watch the love move on and on, creating wave after wave of love, aloha & sharing."
We created the i SEA u™ SurfToken™ as a means to encourage, and help facilitate, this kind of giving.
We encourage you to let others know they've been SEAn - a simple act which, we believe, will have a positive impact on us all.
Our "i SEA u" SurfToken™ in pewter is cast and finished by hand so each one is unique and no two are exactly the same. The finish will slowly evolve & and improve over time... just like all of us!
For more information on the iSEAu SurfToken™ and the giving ritual, please visit: www.iseaumovement.com